Baby And Toddler Travel: What You Need to Know

Who said you have to give up on your travelling lifestyle once you have an infant?Well, I would say the fun is multiplied by having an infant travel companion. True, the stress is equally multiplied, but it is worth it.If you have planned the trip ahead of time and done the necessity, there is nothing to worry about. Follow these tips if you are a first-time traveller with a newborn.

The most asked question is, when is the right time to travel?There is no such right time, as it differs with parents, as well as the babies.However, it is a huge milestone for the newly mums, so when you and your body are ready and fit to travel; you should consider making a travel plan.This is the right time to make the decision of traveling abroad.

Following it is the health of the newborns. Ideally, doctors suggest it is safe to travel anywhere between three to six months. However though, if it is a premature baby or has any heart or lung issues- then it is advised to seek medical advice before travelling. As it can lead to breathing issues with low air pressure.

Once it is decided when to travel, next up is the official work of getting a passport made. For that, you will need a birth certificate, a passport-sized photo and other necessary documents.Upon having all set, the following step is to make an advance and smart reservation. This would help you select your seat according to your comfort, and you would not be stuck in the middle.

Feeding while travelling

Indeed, food is the answer to all problems. And, breastfeeding for the newborn.According to a survey, mums with hands-on experience agreed, breastfeeding could tackle any situation with ease.Especially, nursing while taking off and landing could help the baby find comfort and relief from the pressure in the ear. You should also carry a Spewy’s burp cloth to help the baby burp once he or she is finished.             

Besides that, breastfeeding is an easy solution. As one does not have to worry about sterilising bottles, making formulas, pumping milk, etc.However, as a feeding mother, you should also take care of yourself along with the baby; at all times. Dehydration is a major concern in the air, so drinking fluids is highly recommended.

Packing for the newborn

Travelling with a newborn means having all their belongings at their fingertips when they require them.One of the packing hacks is to have smaller bags or pouches specified so it is easier to pull out when needed.

For example, creating a nappy pouch that can easily be pulled out when taking the baby to the washroom. This pouch consists of reusable nappies, diapers, wipes, cream and talc, a wet bag, and a changing mat.

Likewise, creating a pouch for the clothes, toys, etc can keep the main bag organized and easy to access. Besides that, always keep a spare vest, outfits, onesies, and blankets. It could come in very handy until you reach your destination.




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